Reach Low, Reach High

Placing frequently used items on a low (or high) shelf easily brings more movement into your home life.

Placing frequently used items on a low (or high) shelf easily brings more movement into your home life.

Everyone has heard that we should exercise more. But even with the best of intentions it's not easy to carve out the time for it. Biomechanist Katy Bowman suggests that we "exercise less and move more" all day long for better health. 

In her book, "Move Your DNA: Restore your Health Through Natural Movement," Bowman writes, "Before we lived in the age of convenience, movement of the human body was necessary for sustaining and I dwell in a time when that movement has been almost entirely outsourced." She believes that by restoring (non-exercise) movement "nutrients" to our daily routines, we can begin to supplement the sedentary nature of our modern lives.

To me, coffee IS life! I need my cuppa every morning. And I am more than willing to bend down to make sure that happens. I move more because I crave my magic brew. You can do it, too!

Try this: store your coffee beans, grinder and filters on a low (or high) shelf rather than in a convenient place within easy reach. By the time you are enjoying that first steaming cup in the morning, you'll have already reached down or stretched up a few times.

Want to be more flexible and strong? Begin with simple changes at home to move more and move better every day.

Find more ideas for better movement in my twice-a-month emails. And learn about classes, workshops and individual coaching at Your Movement Project.