Thoracic Stretch

Catherine relaxes tension in her thoracic spine by using a chair for a stretch break.

Stiffness and tension in the thoracic spine causes pain, rounded shoulders, poor posture. Step away from your computer and use your chair to help relax the upper spine, neck and shoulders. Working hard all day? Take a break and clear your brain fog with this potent stretch and release.

  • Place both hands on the top of chair.

  • Hinge at the hips.

  • Slowly back up until the arms are stretched out long.

  • Shift hips back over the heels.

  • Slowly drop heart toward floor and relax spine.

  • Widen through chest and arm pits.

  • Breathe.

  • Relax your belly.

  • Relax your head.

  • Lift tailbone up.

  • If you cannot fully straighten your legs, step closer to the chair until you can. You may need to raise your shoulders higher than top of chair.

Find more ideas for moving better in my Aging Well newsletter. And learn about online classes and individual coaching at Your Movement Project.