Hip Hinge

Alignment is key to a strong hip hinge.

Alignment is key to a strong hip hinge.

This move is effective for reducing knee and back pain because it strengthens the joints between those two points β€” your hips.

It's good to start with feet in stance (hip width, toes pointing forward, edges of feet parallel to each other).

Bend the knees to lower down while you shift your hips waaay back behind you. Keep knees over ankles as much as possible.

By doing this, you shift the work into the big muscles--hamstrings and glutes--and take the pressure off your knees.

Start with this simple and very effective move for pain-free gardening. Shifting your hips back as you bend forward is key to reducing lower back pain no matter if you need it for weeding or child care or petting your dog or reaching for coffee on the lower shelf or...you get the picture.

Watch Katy Bowman's Hip Shift tutorial.

Find more ideas for better movement in my twice-a-month emails. And learn about classes, workshops and individual coaching at Your Movement Project.