Strap Stretch with Hip Rotation

Strap Stretch with hip Rotation.png

Lengthen the backs of the legs with a slow restorative release.
Your hips, hamstrings and calves will feel looser and longer!

  • Lie on your back with a pillow for your head.

  • Keep pelvis neutral and low back relaxed throughout all movement.

  • Wrap strap around the ball of the foot.

  • Raise leg without changing lumbar curve or neutral pelvis.

  • Stretch back of the leg by letting it "fall" into the strap.

  • Arms and legs are long -- no bends in the elbows or knees.

  • Shoulders stay on the mat.

  • Reach out through the heels of both feet.

  • If you don't have a *hip replacement*, check the video for details about gently moving the leg across the midline of the body for an extra stretch. This will be a small move.

  • Want more? Rotate hip of the stretching leg in and out slowly as you continue to release all the muscles in the back of each leg.

Here's a 6 minute video of the Strap Stretch from the Walk this Way Restorative Movement series at Grab a strap and get down on the mat!

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